Amulet Ultra Dual Mono

The Amulet Ultra Dual Mono is the next generation of our most popular system ever, the Amulet M. The Ultra systems are powered by our 4th generation preamp technology and incorporate our advanced electronics in an ultra lightweight package, with user controls that are easily accessible from your guitar’s soundhole. The Amulet Ultra Dual Mono systems each have a mono output, use standard endpin jacks, and can be powered by Battery or Phantom power.

As in all of our previous Amulet systems, each pickup has it own low noise, high headroom preamplifier for increased transparency and dynamics. This exclusive feature is one of the design techniques that give all of our systems their extended dynamic range and incredible clarity and definition that is often lacking in other pickup systems. Our Dual preamp design allows you to comfortably adjust the balance between the two transducers and customize your Ultra system to reflect your sound. Want the bass strings to push harder in concert with your playing style, or have the treble strings ring out more easily? The Ultra's soundhole thumbwheel controls (A and B) and gain trimmers allow you to create your own customized playing experience.  Choose from 4 Ultra Dual Mono system designs, each with unique features and thumbwheel control functions.

The Ultra Dual Mono VT is the simple workhorse of the Amulet Ultras. The A thumbwheel control is the master volume control for both pickups of this mono system. The B thumbwheel provides a Tone control that allows you to progressively roll off the top end of your guitar's frequency response to help sculpt your sound to your particular instrument or sound system.

Available as a Complete System including a pair of Acoustic Lens transducers for $249, and as an electronics-only Upgrade Package for use with your pickups for $164

In the Ultra Dual Mono DV, thumbwheel A is the volume control for the left bass side pickup, and thumbwheel B acts as a volume control for the right treble side pickup. This gives you real-time control of the balance between the transducers, which can also act as a gentle tone control of the whole system.

Available as a Complete System including a pair of Acoustic Lens transducers for $249, and as an electronics-only Upgrade Package for use with your pickups for $164

See our Custom Shop for info on adding Tone Controls to this Ultra model

The Ultra Dual Mono Blend was designed to perfectly complement a dual pickup system where one of the pickups is considered to be the main part of the sound, and the other pickup is used to help fill out the sound, but is never used entirely on its own.

On this preamp, thumbwheel A is the master volume control for both pickups, and  thumbwheel B controls (“blends”) the amount of the second pickup in the overall mix.
A great use of this would be a guitar setup with a magnetic pickup as the main sound source and adds an SBT or mic as the secondary pickup to support the main sound. Each pickup input channel has an easily-accessible gain trimmer to set the overall available output level for each pickup.

Available as a Complete System including a pair of Acoustic Lens transducers for $249, and as an electronics-only Upgrade Package for use with your pickups for $164

See our Custom Shop for info on adding Tone Controls to this Ultra model

The Ultra Dual Mono Panorama's A thumbwheel is the master volume control for both pickups, and the B thumbwheel Pans smoothly between the two pickups. When used with a pair of our Acoustic Lens transducers, the Pan thumbwheel acts as an overall tone and “focus” control. The center of the thumbwheel's arc is the balanced center between the 2 pickups, and the farther you go from center emphasizes either the treble or bass side pickups as you choose.

The Pan control is also very effective when using 2 different pickup sources (i.e.: an undersaddle and an SBT). The thumbwheel allows you to choose between either pickup source individually, and to simply combine them in ways that sound best for a particular guitar or song. This also gives you the flexibility to dial in the pickup mix “on the fly” to deal with unexpected problems, such as feedback from poor monitoring situations.

Available as a Complete System including a pair of Acoustic Lens transducers for $259, and as an electronics-only Upgrade Package for use with your pickups for $174

See our Custom Shop for info on adding Tone Controls to this Ultra model

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